Bookmarks : Genealogy: Anywhere

Starting Your Family History. Start with yourself and go back.

Write down what you know and what you find.

Cemeteries and obituaries are a good place to start for more recent generations. If possible, visit local cemeteries. If not, try these online sites.

Databases. Always check first with your local library. Many provide free access to various databases, either in the library or from home.
In particular, HeritageQuest, available only through libraries, includes the same census records as in Ancestry plus Revolutionary War records, obituaries, digitized books, and more.

Newspapers provide much more than obituaries. Bookmarks: Full Text links to book, magazines, and newspapers -- many free.

Message Boards, etc.:

Resource Finders because there's always more places to look:


Some Useful Tools:


This page last updated 6 August 2022.

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